How to keep a relationship strong and happy in married life?

Dr. Purushothaman
January 20, 2019

The kind of love that lasts for long is a result of both the partners embedding themselves into each others lives in a positive way. Most spousal partnerships have their triumphs and hardships, but there is a way to overcome that without losing the relationship’s charm.

Many couples experience that their feelings of desire, attraction and their sexual wellbeing are not powerfully stimulating after a couple of years into the relationship. However, there are some minimal ways of not letting the future bleak and become uninspiring.

Simple things will have you notice big changes in your relationship. And here are some easy steps towards making your love last:

  • Keep dating each other
  • Who says dates are exclusively for young lovers? Romantic dinners and quick getaways provide for a change of landscape and enlivens things for the betterment. And while you are at it, create a tech-free zone, which will ensure that there are no interruptions to intimacy.

  • Put your partner before your kids
  • When kids come into play, it is easy to get lapped up in the middle-aged blur. They may command all your attention and while spending time with them is crucial, so is carving out time for your partner. Maintaining an intimate relationship benefits you strongly and that, in turn, strengthens your bond with your kids too.

  • Write some letters of love
  • Words sometimes prove far more powerful than actions. Words can fill your sweetheart's love tank. Writing letters and leaving them secretly for them to find later every once in a while will stir the excitement in them. Small notes stuck under the plates and pillows are certain to draw smiles of appreciation.

  • Linger your looks for a longer while
  • Look at your partner intently. Do they look sad? Or tired? Or immensely happy? Notice the small things, accessories they are donning, the colour of their skin and appreciate the little things about them that fill your heart with love. Compliments always win hearts and it will also prove that you notice the little efforts they take to swoon you.

  • Communicate verbally
  • Text less and talk more is the key to a successful relationship. Voicing your concerns out can help your partner understand what you exactly feel and help act on it effectively. These emotional interchanges are the main meal of any relationship. The talk needs to be honest, relaxed and from the heart.

  • Learn what pleases your partner sexually
  • Their pleasure is your pleasure, and in turn, yours will be theirs. Discover everything that makes them happy and teaching your partner what you like will make them happy too. Research statistics also proves that the sexual pleasure of one partner escalates the pleasure of the other partner. You can also consult a sexual counselor if required.

Sexual wellbeing is another most important aspect to express your love, care and affection for your partner. And if that is proving to be a gray area in your married life, you can also seek counseling for sexual disorders.

We at Living in Wellbeing are a team of experts who provide sexual counseling in Kerala. We also offer a platform for patients to consult with the best sexologists through our online sexual counseling in India. Get in touch with us now and let your worries be ours to deal with.

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