How to Inspire People

Dr. Purushothaman
December 17, 2013


If you are dreaming of inspiring people, then you are in for a big duel. Oftentimes, the difficulty of being successful in this regard is rooted from one's self. To successfully inspire other people, you have to be inspired with yourself first. You cannot give what you do not have. So be a reservoir of inspiration and hope first before you make the attempt to radiate this for other people to follow.

The first thing you need to do is "be friendly". This is not an easy task to learn. Being friendly does not mean you have to befriend everyone you come across with. Being friendly does not mean you have to give in to all that your friends and relatives ask you to do. It only means that you make people feel that you can be counted on. Smile. That is one good thing about being friendly. Greet everybody with a positive aura. Make every person, no matter who it is, beam with delight when they see you.

Far more than being friendly is "being thoughtful". Extending a caring hand can be more inspiring than what smiling can do. So instead of just smiling your way through a situation that needs your help to assist someone, you can actually inspire by getting your hands on the problem. In other words, don’t just talk about the problem. Help by giving support.

Be positive about people and their accomplishments. It means pushing people to live up to social expectations and move forward when downtrodden. It also implies that you should encourage them to do their best in all that they do. That can be further said to mean that they should be encouraged to use all talents and skills they have acquired in life. To inspire people is to be unselfish. To give rather than to receive should be the guiding principle.

Most important perhaps is to be a good example for people to emulate. It has been said that actions speak louder than words. In other words, walk your talk. In most cases of successful inspiration, people often succeed when they emulate. It is true that words are vague. What people want to know and see are examples in real life. The real thing leaves an imprint, something to remember or to follow. Being the example of what you preach is a testimony in itself. That is what has Gandhi, Mother Teresa and Martin Luther King, Jr. have in common.

The world is replete with anguish and despair. That's why many people look up to those who can inspire them to go forward, move on and be proud of what they can do in this life. There are a lot of inspiring stories one can be guided with to get by.

You want to inspire people? Be inspired yourself. Be someone who can really feel a wellspring of goodness and inspiration inside.

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