How to Fix a Relationship and resolve relationship issues

Dr. Purushothaman
January 22, 2014


I guess if you are here you must be in the unfortunate position of going through a recent break up and you want to fix a relationship right? I really feel for you and I too went through this myself not that long ago! No matter what people say to you right now, it just hurts am I right? Nothing makes sense and you feel hurt and lost. Trying to figure out what went wrong. I really do understand exactly what you are feeling right now.
Are you wondering if there is any chance of solving your relationship issues? Can there be any chance of getting back with your ex partner and forming a happy relationship once again? Is it even possible to fix a relationship once it has broken?
Well do not despair! In many cases there is still hope. Many relationships can be fixed, even if it feels like there is no hope right now!
The truth is, your ex partner is probably feeling exactly the same, even if they did the breaking up! They are probably missing you right now just as much as you miss them and regretting that you ever broke up at all.
My advice is to dry your eyes, sit down with a tasty beverage, and take some words of comfort from this site. There is some information here that should help you just like it helped me a few months ago. I can tell you right now that I wish I had this information back when my partner and I broke up! Thankfully I did find out the correct way to do things before it was too late but time is of the essence here. You need to relax and listen to the advice on this web site. I want to help you to not just fix a relationship, but to solve your relationship issues that caused the break up and prevent the same thing from happening again in the future so that you and your partner can enjoy a long and happy relationship once again.
So what do you think caused your break up? You maybe wondering what happened, especially if it came out of the blue. One day all seemed well and the next you heard the words, "I think we should call it a day" or "I can't do this anymore"! Whatever the scenario, you may well be confused and even angry right now. You may think that there is absolutely no chance of making up with your ex partner and enjoying a happy relationship again. Is it really possible to fix a relationship?
Maybe the breakup was no surprise at all. Perhaps you saw it coming some time ago and fooled yourself into thinking that your relationship issues would just go away by themselves and all would be ok? Well whichever applies to you, I bet you are still feeling hurt, confused and angry right? Whether you know the reason for the break up or not, the end result is the same and the way you are feeling right now is pretty much the same.
You need to do certain things in a certain order to get them back again. You need to learn the best methods for winning your ex partner back into your life again. For now though, try and keep busy. Spend time with friends or even spring clean your house. Anything but keep busy. This will help trust me! Also, do not make any contact with your ex partner for at least a few days. Preferably for a week or two. This will be hard to do but will definitely help you in the long run to get back into a happy relationship.
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