How to Choose the Right Life Coach for You!

Dr. Purushothaman
January 14, 2014


Do you want to feel more confident in life? Trying to achieve balance between professional duties, your personal issues and your romantic life? Perhaps the time is right for you to consider the assistance of a life coach.
Finding the perfect life coach depends on many factors. Everyone needs guidance and motivation to accomplish their goals. Its important to consider the approach of different professionals and see who stimulates and inspires you the most.
To choose the right life coach, you will have to be comfortable with that persons style of coaching and communication skills. Here are some important tips that will help you decide.
What do You Need?
Before you can begin searching for a life coach, you will have to do a little bit (or a lot) of introspection. What do you need right now? What do you want to accomplish in life? What is the right direction for your life? What have been your greatest achievements so far? What have been your biggest disappointments? What would you say has been holding you back from achieving certain dreams you have?
Having some idea about your needs will allow you to pick a professional that has the right kind of specialisation. The specialisation of a life coach can be particularly helpful in overcoming the obstacles that are standing in the way of your happiness.
Background and Specialisation
Good life coaches should have experience and the right kind of qualifications. You can do some preliminary research for this information online, or you can schedule an appointment and ask directly.
A life coach that has a good background in several techniques would be ideal. Certification is equally important because it tells you that the professional is licensed to practice coaching.
The Initial Appointment
Professional life coaches will schedule a first session without expecting you to make a commitment. This session is used to get to know each other better and to give you an idea about the coach's communication style.
Trust your instincts
A person that makes you feel comfortable and secure is probably going to be the right coach for you. There should be chemistry right from the start. A coach that doesn't make you feel at ease is probably not going to be the best person to guide you through some of  life's tough and challenging situations.
Good coaches will give you a sense of certainty without trying to convince you. You should never choose a professional that has to work hard, in order to win you over.
A Few Additional Questions to Ask
Ask your potential life coach how long would it take to accomplish your goals. Coaching is different from therapy and goals should have certain time-lines of accomplishment.
You can also ask for references
A life coach that has many satisfied clients will be happy to refer you. Meeting somebody who has already experienced the coaching technique of that professional can be very beneficial and help you get all of your questions answered.
Finally, you should inquire about the hourly fee. Though the price is not the most important criterion, its prudent to ensure that their fees are within your budget. And remember, as with most things, cheaper doesn't always mean better.
Take your time and do your research. Once you find one, a good life coach will listen to you, provide honest feedback, help you understand and overcome obstacles, pinpoint your strengths and help you work on a long-term personal improvement plan. Choosing the right person to coach you will help to lead you towards the best possible results.

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