Health and Wellness Programs for Businesses and Corporations

Dr. Purushothaman
January 22, 2014


Businesses are always trying to look for ways to maximize their earnings while bringing down costs. One of the biggest costs that companies have to deal with is insurance for their employees and staff. The fact that healthcare costs are on the rise means higher expenses that could potentially force companies to make undesirable decisions, such as raise the cost of their products or services, cutting hours or laying off employees.
There is, however, a solution for bringing down healthcare costs. Companies that promote some sort of wellness program can contribute to the overall health and well-being of their staff, thus reducing the likelihood of them needing to use their healthcare coverage and setting the company back thousands of dollars.
There are services that can implement Corporate Wellness Programs for companies and their employees. This may consist of seminars and workshops that encourage staffers to lead a healthier lifestyle both during and outside business hours. A wellness coach may utilize a variety of teaching methods during their presentation; this may include slide presentations, live demonstrations, motivational speeches and pamphlet handouts.
Most recommended home programs are rather simple and can be done without major lifestyle changes; they are also designed to fit into a busy schedule. The program may include advice on exercise, such as body calisthenics, light to moderate weight training or walking or biking to work instead of driving. There may also be some dietary tips thrown in that include healthy food planning and preparation.
Even employees on the clock can find time to squeeze in some exercise and is something that managers should encourage. Examples may include doing a set of pushups or deep knee lunges during lunch break or encouraging the faculty to pack a healthy meal as opposed to settling for drive-through during lunch. Supervisors may even set aside time during work hours for physical activity. This may include having everyone head out the office during the last 15 minutes of work and engage in group exercise.
Some managers will even go further with their Company Wellness Plans and provide some sort of incentive for staff members who meet certain fitness goals. Examples may include a gift card or extended paid leave for employees who lose an x amount of weight or actively enroll in some kind of company-approved health program.
Some wellness services may also provide individualized coaching. This is especially helpful for companies with a particular employee who is overweight or in poor health. Through these services, companies can also create their own online health portal where faculty can set specific fitness goals, download exercise plans, record their caloric intake or receive support and encouragement from fellow members.
Companies that utilize wellness program services have been shown to spend less on healthcare costs. Taking advantage of such programs is a commitment that yields amazingly positive results. Not only does it benefit the company by saving money but it also helps individual employees achieve a healthier lifestyle that is manageable even when working a full-time schedule.
About the Author
Orriant provides seminars, speaking engagements and Company Wellness Plans for businesses. Corporate Wellness Programs help employees live and achieve healthier lifestyles.

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