Are you growing unhappy in a relationship? On the contrary, do you feel like your partner is growing unhappy? This is a vital thing to give attention to because when one feels unhappy in a relationship, it could spell the end of the relationship. Happiness is a highly personal thing. One person may be genuinely in a particular situation while another may not feel in the same way if put in a similar situation. In a situation where you are starting to be unhappy in a relationship, begin looking for the reasons that contributes to the unhappiness and move forward.
The Wrong Reason For Entering a Relationship
One reason why someone is unhappy in a relationship is because he or she entered the relationship with the wrong reason. If there is no other thing aside from se that is holding you both together, then it may happen that the relationship is shaky. It is true that sexual attraction is an essential factor in a relationship but other things must be present in order to make the relationship work. It is likewise important that the couple will learn to share to each other their personal aspirations and achievements. They need to learn how it is to compromise and adjust in order to maintain harmony in a relationship. Without these, one or both will be unhappy in a relationship.
Another reason why someone is unhappy in a relationship is, if he or she is a utilitarian. That means that he or she is using the relationship to have personal gains. If you are using a new relationship so that you will be able to get over your hurt on a previous relationship, then you will end up to be unhappy because of feeling of guilt and because you are getting in your unsettled baggage from the previous relationship.
Relationship Most be Founded With the Right Reasons
Indeed, it is very essential that a relationship must be founded with the right reasons or motivations and be maintained with the same. If you are unhappy in a relationship, start pondering on the foundation of that relationship and find the underlying factor that is making you unhappy.
There are people who are unhappy in a relationship because of their frustrations that they could not steer the relationship into something that they are expecting. We have our own ideal image of what a family is. Someone may envision it in a very traditional set up where the mother stays at home and takes good care for the children while most of the women these days are thinking about career advancement. In this scenario, one would truly be unhappy in the relationship because a particular need remains unfulfilled.
Being unhappy in a relationship in general is caused by the fat that the concerned party is looking for something that it not present in the relationship. It may also be caused by becoming attracted to someone else. One your starts to be diverted to someone else, everything that happens in your present relationship will appear all wrong. You will start to focus on the wrong side of things.
Getting over being unhappy in a relationship starts with a simple step of knowing the cause.
About the Author
Jane Hart is a certified therapist and the owner of the website www.keepmymarriagetoday.com. At the website here you can get a free mini-course on how to save your marriage. Your can also read more about the topic of being unhappy in relationship.
Article Source: http://goarticles.com/article/Getting-Over-Being-Unhappy-In-a-Relationship/4781482/