Creative Visualization - 4 Guiding Principles to Getting Ahead

Positive, sign for business attitude, approach, strategy, mentoring and coaching.

Dr. Purushothaman
November 26, 2013


Creative visualization dismisses the view that words of affirmation and self-actualization tenets by themselves are powerful tools in achieving personal success, rather it supports the position that guided imagery is the fundamental element leading the path toward personal victories. This presumption sums up the concept of creative visualization.
This ideology is not new, having been a common form of practice in spiritual and meditative exercises since ancient times. Its practices have also been a part of Vajrayana Buddhism for centuries.
Four guiding principles to getting ahead
The generally accepted principles of creative visualization combine positive thinking-techniques with visualization practices. Together they invite the use of the somatic nervous system of sight, sound, sensation, taste and smell to impact meaningful personal growth.
1: Creative visualization and self confidence
Creative imagery allows you to mentally create pictures of events that you want manifested in your life. For example, visualize yourself achieving your goals (a promotion, new apartment, losing weight, etc.). Think of the steps that will get you there; if it involves changing deeper mental states such as improving your self-confidence then repeated affirmations along with critical thinking steps will guide your thoughts into practical solutions.
Learning creative visualization is not easy; it comes with consistent practice and just like meditation, the technique is acquired over time. With visualization you are engaging all your senses to deeply focus on your goal.
If losing weight is a goal then visualization principles require you to visual yourself in that new outfit at your new weight; to imagine the color and how you are feeling; to imagine hearing the response from your support group acknowledging the change; in fact anything to make the vision more real. In other words you are connecting with all the senses to get a vivid grasp of your goal. Through regular training you will develop the self confidence in seeing the goal manifested.
2: Positive self-talk
Positive self-talk are words of affirmations such as “I choose to devote my life to the fulfillment of my highest purpose.By telling yourself that you are worthy, there is no fear of the future. These words and others when used often will motivate and keep you from veering off your path to success.
3: Developing mental strength
Have a clear mental picture of what your goals are. Ask yourself: is it measurable, achievable, and what time-frame do I want to accomplish them. A clear mental image of what you want and what needs changing is important in influencing a positive outcome. This is a reminder that you are the sum total of your perceptions and that they impact your view of the world around you.
Developing mental strength is developing the mental muscle that will eventually transform your aspirations into reality.
4: Relaxation
Nervousness and anxiety are common emotions that plague our chances for success. Relaxation techniques are wonderful, useful tools to minimize negative emotions. Commonly used relaxation methods include meditation classes, including yoga and learning controlled deep breathing exercises. Music is also a recommend form of relaxation. Select soothing instrumentals and sounds of nature such as water-falls and chirping birds, which are natural meditative influences on the brain.
In the end visualization is about positive reinforcement using imagery to reach your goal. It further involves exploring and changing our deepest most basic attitudes toward life to achieve intense, meaningful growth.

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