Buddhist Meditation Techniques For All

Dr. Purushothaman
January 23, 2014


How To Meditate
Some people may question as to why they should learn Buddhist meditation techniques. The fact is though that meditation, like many art forms, can only be perfected with the help of reliable, time-tested techniques.
Think about it. You wouldn't undertake any serious exercise regime without first learning the movements and repetitions associated with exercise, or even learn a dance without first studying its associated moves. Otherwise you'd look like something of an uncoordinated fool, flailing around on the dance or exercise floor with no apparent structure, aim or purpose.
In order to attain the many desired effects of meditation of the Buddha, which include increased inner peace, enhanced patience and concentration, more pleasure and relaxation, and-ultimately-a new source of enlightenment, you first must master a predetermined set of meditative goals and techniques.
The specific Buddhist meditation techniques that you choose will depend on your individual needs and abilities. Not every person will want to immerse themselves in the intricacies and deep history of Buddhist thinking. And, realistically, not everyone will be able to master all of the physical positions affiliated with meditation.
The fact remains, however, that every serious practitioner of meditation of the Buddha has to know a little something about the meditative art; a form of living that combines the finer points of exercise, physical relaxation and rejuvenation, as well as ultimate spiritual enlightenment.
When you meditate, you have to learn a certain, predetermined set of Buddhist meditation techniques. These include physical positions, breathing techniques, Buddhist-based theories, and specific means of visualization and relaxation. These different techniques vary greatly in terms of difficulty, time requirements, desired and produced effects, etc.
So how do you learn about these various Buddhist meditation techniques and what they can do for you? As it turns out, the methods of education that are available regarding these techniques are as many and diverse as the techniques themselves. You could read a good book about Buddhist meditation, watch an informative DVD, listen to a meditation tape or CD, or have a prolonged, serious conversation with a monk or yoga instructor. You could sign up for a yoga or meditation course, or visit a nature retreat; or perhaps even a Buddhist temple.
Arming yourself with the information attained through these various channels, you then will be prepared to select and exercise the techniques that are best for you.
Ultimately, though, the specific techniques you choose will be a matter of the heart. You must decide for yourself why, how, where and when you meditate. Only you can design and enact the meditative approach that works best for you.
Although they first seem difficult and complex, Buddhist meditation techniques are your ultimate key to meditative success; and, ultimately, to emotional and spiritual enlightenment. Learn some good Buddhist meditation techniques today!
About the Author
Rasmus Lindgren has practiced meditation for several years. You can read more about Buddhist Meditation Techniques on his website. He has also created a free course in Buddhist Meditation targeted at beginners.

Article Source: http://goarticles.com/article/Buddhist-Meditation-Techniques-For-All/3610585/

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