Behaviors Experienced by Children and Adolescents in Distress

Dr. Purushothaman
November 29, 2013


Anger overload in children

Anger reactions in some children are quite frequent and troubling to parents and teachers who witness them. The child's intense anger may erupt quickly and intensely in reaction to limit setting by adults, by teasing, or to seemingly minor criticism by peers or adults. Many mental health professionals feel it is a category unto itself and are devising treatment strategies for anger problems. Anger disturbances in children need to be classified as a discrete psychological problem as well as require particular treatment strategies. The treatment options of anger management from a cognitive point of view are to replace children's presumed distorted appraisals. Treatment is based on collaborative and educational approaches that involve designing specific learning experiences to teach monitoring automatic thoughts, recognize the relations among cognition, affect and behavior. Other interventions include designing counseling that recognizes the relations among cognition, affect and behavior, by testing validity of automatic thoughts and identify and alter underlying beliefs, assumptions that predispose individuals to engage in faulty thinking patterns that trigger anger.

Attention Deficit Disorder in Children

When an attitudinal problem is present, with the hallmark symptoms of distractibility, hyperactivity, restlessness, and impulsivity, the child's ability to master some or many of these tasks may seem difficult. Complicating the situation is the fact that many children with attention problems also have other learning problems. Raising a child with attention deficit disorder can be exceedingly frustrating, emotional draining and expensive. In many instances, the child's ADD related problems cause ongoing problems in the parent child relationship that can set the stage for an unhappy, guilt ridden relationship between the child, parents and siblings that may persist, sometimes through life. The desired outcome of children is that to have a healthy personality, he or she must learn how to test reality, replace impulses, stabilize moods, integrate feelings and actions, focus attention and plan. If the child with ADD is raised with education and with an appreciation of his or her uniqueness of strengths, then that child can grow into a healthy, productive adult. Establishing trust means the child must believe that they can rely on parents. Trust means the child realizes that others are working with the best interest of the child. Children trust persons who, among other things, will not intentionally harm their interests. Communicatively attention deficit disorder can be understood in relation to self concept and identity. The self concept is ideas or mental images that children have about their skills, abilities, knowledge, competencies and personality. The self concept comes from the unique interpretations children have about themselves and from others reactions and experiences. When children learn self monitoring, they become aware of self and how they are coming to others. This involves being sensitive to other peoples expressions and reactions and using the information to decide how to behave.

Delirium, Dementia and Amnestic Disorders with Adolescents

The purpose of this research is to address delirium, dementia, and amnestic disorders with recognition that cognitive behavior therapy can be a significant therapeutic style in most aspects of health and healing settings. A systematic process of discovery will be employed to address and describe categories of delirium, dementia, and amnestic diagnostic interventions, treatment planning, assessments and case reviews. Because cognitive behavior therapy will be addressed in most situations, there will be emphasis on its applications

Research Question:

What are effective ways to treat delirium, dementia and amnestic disorders using cognitive behavior therapy?

The research question is appropriate to the topic with rationales based on findings. Analysis shows the relationship between the variables: Delirium, dementia, and amnestic disorders as behavior disorders and cognitive behavior therapy as a treatment option. The answers to the hypothesis begin with assessments by a review of information to develop an initial formulation of cases. The hypothesis formulates psychological mechanisms and other factors that cause and maintain a particular patient's disorders and problems. The formulation is used to develop treatment plans and to assist in obtaining the patient's consent and commitment to treatment. Thus, the elements of case formulation driven cognitive behavioral therapy are (1) assessment to obtain a diagnosis and case formulation, (2) treatment planning, (3) treatment, and (4) continuous monitoring and hypothesis testing (Dobson, 2010).

Specific diagnostic categories suggest treatment methods with application and analysis, using outcome research. Using cognitive behavioral tools and techniques, we can conceptualize a client's needs, develop a treatment plan, conduct initial review of cognitive therapy as well as identify ongoing issues. Cognitive behavior research believes that "thoughts" cause emotions and behaviors. It is therefore the responsibility of the counselor to find an approach that can maximize the client's treatment progress and his or her ability "to function on an occupational, social, and personal level." There is a significant amount of scientific evidence demonstrating that cognitive behavior therapy is effective in treating a wide variety of psychological difficulties, including depression, anxiety, panic attacks, phobias, obsessive/compulsive disorder, social anxiety and shyness, and post traumatic stress disorder. Problems are that unhelpful thin-king styles are important and should be assessed because they tend to reflect habitual, repetitive, and consistent thought patterns that occur during times of anxiety or depression. As a result, many everyday situations are misinterpreted. As problems are focused on and blow out of proportion, and patients' own strengths and abilities to cope are overlooked or downplayed, individuals become increasingly distressed. Helping the patient to notice these unhelpful thinking patterns is an important step in the process of change. Extreme and unhelpful thinking can become part of the problem by worsening how people feel emotionally and physically and causing them to act in ways that add to problems. Some of the problems are situational and relational, altered thinking, and altered emotions. Identifying problems is helpful because that enables identifying clear target areas for intervention. The approaches in design consist of specific learning experiences designed to teach the patient the following operations: (1) to monitor negative, automatic thoughts (cognitions); (2) to recognize the connections between cognition affect and behavior; (3) to examine the evidence for and against distorted automatic thought; (4) to substitute more reality-oriented interpretations for those biased cognitions; and (5) to learn to identify and alter the dysfunctional beliefs which predispose them to distorted experiences. The results of case study approaches in addressing delirium, dementia, and amnesia with cognitive behavioral therapy will use good information with credible research evidence. Process includes collecting and analyzing data presenting a research framework in relation to purposes of study and measuring independent variables. Case studies are good reference materials when researching. The data obtained from using case studies can be formed in qualitative or quantitative data. The data from case studies is appropriate for answering the research questions or testing the hypothesis. In some aspects of reporting case studies and cognitive behavioral therapy statistics with effective procedures can be used. The findings are based on descriptive research, content analysis and case studies and are presented as the researcher explains the results of the research questions and hypothesis.

Theories, research and practice centers on effective treatment of delirium, dementia, and amnestic disorders and cognitive behavior theory. The fundamental principles of cognitive behavior therapy as treatment for delirium, dementia, and amnestic disorders have been discussed with research question, purpose and significance of research study. Discussed also are research perspectives on delirium, dementia, and amnestic disorders, with suggested research design strategies, methodologies of descriptive research and future research applications of cognitive behavior therapy. The fundamental principle of cognitive behavior therapy is that what people think affects how they feel emotionally and physically and also alters what they do. In certain disorders changes occur in thinking and behavior. Thinking in some disorders becomes extreme and unhelpful if the focus is on themes in which individuals see themselves as worthless, incompetent, failures, bad or vulnerable. Behavior can be altered with activties to the commencement of helpful behaviors that solve the problems. These two areas, thinking (cognition) and behavior, form the focus for cognitive behavior therapy and interventions.

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