Behavior Disorder Symptoms: A Guide To Finding Out

Dr. Purushothaman
October 7, 2013

Many people often suffer with behavior disorder symptoms and don't even know it. It can be difficult to tell the difference between "normal" and abnormal feelings. The behavioral category contains thousands of disorders, many which share the same symptoms. Some of the most common disorders are: obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), anxiety, and post traumatic stress disorder.

The main disorder we will discuss so you can have a better understanding of it is obsessive compulsive disorder. Many people actually suffer from this problem and it is proven to also be a genetic disorder. Meaning that if anyone else in your family suffers from this problem your chances of also having it are increased. This is not special to OCD as there are many disorders that are also genetic in nature and tend to be passed down between generations.

As with any disorder, OCD can be tough to live with at times. A person who suffers with OCD usually deals with repetitive habits every day. OCD can range greatly in the severity of a case. For example, a less-intense case could be a person who has to have every picture, nik-nak, and piece of furniture in the house set at a certain angle or position. One might just assume they are a very tidy person. However, a sever case has more of a life-altering result, in which the person feels they have to control every aspect of the day to run at a strict routine, and when one piece of this routine becomes altered, that person may simply remain in their home the rest of the day, sometimes in severe panic.

The problem with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder tends to be the repetitiveness of the routine in which one is performing, not the action on its own. Sometimes medication can help suppress the overwhelming need to perform a repetitive action, such as twisting a lock a certain number of times, however therapy tend to be most effective.

Signs of behavior disorders can range greatly and affect many in different ways. This makes pinpointing any disorder particularly difficult. If you feel like you may suffer from a behavior disorder then please get tested to find out if you do.

OCD is just one of the behavior disorders out there. There are also social disorder symptoms that can point to a disorder which restricts a person from normal social interaction, which can be difficult to diagnose. If you feel you suffer any kind of behavior or social disorder, please consult your doctor.

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