Becoming a Great Life Coach

Dr. Purushothaman
October 18, 2013

Can an ordinary person become a life coach? Well, in theory the answer is a resounding yes! However, in the field of practice, it is a no. Many people just don't have what it takes to be a mentor for others. Some are even unwilling or unable to adapt to the needs of the different clients.

You may ask, "how does one become a life coach?" Usually, it may be due to one of the following reasons: they are people oriented, they know the value of therapeutic communication and motivation, they have the power to work on their prudently assigned goals, or they could just be at the right place at the right time.

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As with most things in life, you won't really know how good you are until you have really tried it. If you want to go dancing, singing, skiing or mountaineering, you would have to take lessons initially. Becoming a great life coach is no different so you should learn how to do it before plunging into this exciting field of interest.

Go through the next few paragraphs and you will find yourself drawn to the inspiring world of mentoring your fellowmen.

A good mentor should be able to motivate his clients to perform to the best of his abilities. This is an essential task because once a person is highly motivated, he will do everything to get the job done, come hell or high water. He will also become innovative, seeing other ways to improve his life and exploring alternatives that he would not have given a mind to in the past because of some unknown fear.

The opposite of promoting motivation is avoiding demotivation. The possible reasons why a client is demotivated could be due to lack of recognition, constant criticism of his actions without a single word of praise for his effort or he could simply be overwhelmed of too much work at a single time resulting to his inability to cope with pressure.

Should seemingly insurmountable problems arise, be on hand to give moral and emotional support. Offer encouraging words. Even your mere presence as a life coach will help uplift the client's depressed sentiments during the arrival of the initial obstacles. However, it would be much better if the words were followed by concrete actions. Promote a free flowing two-way communication, encourage the client to create new ideas, give sincere praises when due and treat the client as a valued individual. If criticisms can't be avoided, do it constructively to facilitate personal growth.

Do not underestimate the power of these two interrelated techniques if you are aspiring to be a great life coach. They are the fundamental concepts in becoming an authority in your chosen field. Good luck.

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