Portrait of happy business people sitting together at a meeting
No one ever said life is supposed to be easy. Still, if we pay attention, we can often find someone that is not only capable but also willing to help us reach our goals. Similar to how a tennis grand champion will still use the services of a skilled tennis coach through her career, would it not make just as much sense for someone who has been equally successful in life to also use the services of a life coach? Well, there are such things as life advisers, and, in fact, the profession is one that is on the rise in this new century's economy.
Like any other coach, a life adviser helps people achieve their goals by developing strategies and building up skills that will carry them successfully through life's challenges. If there are issues with family or friends, or perhaps stressful work relationships, or any other difficulties at work or school, including one's own personal limitations; a skilled life adviser will have the ability to help you with nearly all aspects of your life. With the proper amount of training and life experiences of their own, respected life coaches must not only have the insight and wisdom to help others in their lives, such individuals must also be able to effectively communicate the information and inspiration that their clients may need to boost them to their next level. Increasingly, life advisers are insisting there be more standardized practices, accordingly with a more standardized certification process.
Though the coaching profession is increasing in popularity, there are still no national guidelines to determine what explicitly a coach must know, and what she is allowed to do or otherwise can be held liable for. There are, on the other hand, a growing number of states that are at least considering implementing the same kind of regulatory systems that other professional counselors and advisers must adhere to. Partly as means to increase their skills and abilities, but also to prove themselves as legitimate, many established and aspiring life advisers alike have taken it upon themselves to pursue dedicated training and certification programs. Most of them understand that having broader regulations and a standard of service or practice will only make the coaching industry more respected, more sought after, and, thus, more profitable.
As of now, there are some organizations that provide testing for certification, but not necessarily the training and education for the life coaching certification. Such organizations will usually only provide the testing and certificates for aspiring life coaches, expecting them to acquire whatever degree of training from other relevant organizations. As life coaching begins to divide into specialty niches like leadership, career, or relationship coaching, the need for more standardized education and certification programs is becoming undeniable.
Regardless, whether you are an experienced or prospective life coach yourself, you should already know that the more knowledge and training you receive regarding your profession, the more you are likely to succeed through it.