
Dr. Purushothaman
March 8, 2013

The root of addiction is unresolved emotional trauma. once traumas, be they extreme or delicate, aren't resolved they leave behind a slew of painful, unprocessed feelings within the unconscious. These feelings square measure ne'er content to stay silent and instead clamor for unharness. Once they categorical themselves brazenly and while not disguise this activates the healing method. The healing method, however, is therefore painful and probably discombobulating that few individuals lacking correct external support and self-understanding will dare undertake it.
But a person’s inability to heal doesn't stop his unresolved feelings from desperate to categorize them. Lacking healing as associate choice, these feelings instead categorical themselves as symptoms, of that addiction are simply one set. The aim of addiction is to divert and assuage these painful, upwelling feelings into an ostensibly snug various while not permitting them to become acutely aware. Within the short run this feels far more placid than healing, however within the long haul it solely prolongs underground psychic misery associated adds new consequences for an already troubled life.
Addictions vary in their intensity, aspect effects, and the degree of social acceptance. Some square measure clearly weighted toward the conventionally negative end of the spectrum, like white plague or petrol-sniffing. Others, like compulsiveness or membership during a cult or cult-like cluster, aren't therefore definitively negative, and might receive social approval and even perks. and a few addictions, like having youngsters and being in non-enlightened relationships, square measure therefore pervasive, accepted, and even lauded that they're seldom even thought-about addictions in the slightest degree – and therefore kind the backbone of society as we all know it.

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