Active Life Ideas

Dr. Purushothaman
August 31, 2013

When you finish reading this article I am sure you will get one powerful tool to fight against diseases. That is juice. You can make your own juice recipe or get some from the TV or magazines. Juices really do help you get good health. I am sure juices will help you get rid of tiredness if you have any. One glass of juice gets you enough of the nutrients that will make you healthy and most importantly active.

The juices have been in use for many centuries. It is just that the juice recipes have increased in numbers. In old times people used to drink juices of tree leaves and herbs that kept them away from the fatal diseases. This key resource, i.e. juice has been the choice of man for many years.

Make your own fresh fruits and vegetable juices, create your own juice recipes; you do not have to be a cook to do that. Add some carrots to the juicer and there you go. You will get a high amount of energy build up with just a single glass of juice. Juices are delicious and easy to drink. If you think that you won’t be able to swallow some vegetable juices you can ad some milk or sugar to it also.

Why juice recipes are so effective?
Juices are very much effective and take action on the human body instantly because they are easy to be absorbed by the stomach and are easily consumed by the body, these juices are very easy to generate the nutrients from them. They will offer you minerals, vitamins, fibers, and much more elements that are necessary fro a healthy and an active life. One glass of a juice means a mega dose of minerals, vitamins and fibers.

Lets say you take 10 minutes to finish one apple and a carrot, and you will also not get enough nutrients. What if you have a juice of 3 carrots and 3 apples together, they will offer you so much nutrition that will make your blood clean.

How do you get the maximum health return from juicing?
When you are about to drink juice make sure you haven’t eaten any thing before it, make sure you are empty stomach when you drink the juice. This will make the stomach extract the nutrients. Make sure you get fresh juice recipes.

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