5 Ways To Develop A Positive Mental Attitude

Dr. Purushothaman
November 22, 2013

A positive mental attitude is one of the most important assets you can posses. Not only do positive thoughts help to dissolve your stress but they also have a positive impact on your physical health as well. The importance of this state of mind can not be overlooked in how it affects our performance both socially and professionally. In fact your attitude is directly related to the degree of success you may experience in just about any endeavor. With all that said how can we can develop and maintain the proper mindset needed to perform at our best and enjoy optimal health as well?

Here are 5 behavioral habits you can practice and adapt to your lifestyle to help create the positive change you are looking for.

Create a Positive Environment

Become more aware of the way you think because this is what forms the foundation of your attitude. If you 'condition' yourself to always think in terms of positive thoughts your outward mood will reflect this. Do not wait for something good to happen to create this positive change for you but rather create the change by altering the way you think.

Do Not Give Up

Be realistic and understand that events or occurrences will NOT always go the way you expect or desire. One thing certain about life is it will present you set backs but it is up to you as to how you choose to deal with them. If you view these set backs as lessons to be learned you are more likely to reach your goal as opposed to giving up and walking away.

By quitting you now feel defeated and disappointed but by sticking to it success will be that much more gratifying. Count on set backs and plan on working through them when they occur!

Just Laugh

Find humor in whatever you can since laughter automatically puts a smile on your face and makes you feel good inside. There is no better way to break the tension or snap out of a 'funk' than by laughing.

Live in the Moment

Capture and relish the good and the beauty of every moment as it occurs and do not spoil it by worrying about yesterday or tomorrow. Yesterday is now the past and tomorrow has yet to occur so appreciate what it is you got in the present!

Expect Good Things

Learn to expect the best out of every situation with the understanding that you deserve good things. When you are thinking along these lines your mood is more upbeat as is your disposition. You are now more attractive to others due to the feelings you radiate. When you combine your positive outlook with that of others who think or feel the same way it dramatically increases your well-being and also your chances of success.

A positive mental attitude can give you the leverage you need to create and live a happy and rewarding life. Being able to avoid a continual build up of stress by maintaining positive thoughts helps improve our personal performance and also enjoy better health. It is not however always easy to put on the 'happy face.' Sometimes it is necessary to consciously take certain measures that will have a positive impact on your attitude. The 5 behavioral habits reviewed above, if practiced, can give you the positive change you need to produce and maintain a happy and productive mindset.

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