- Suriphobia- Is the fear about mice
- Symbolophobia- Is the fear about symbolism
- Symmetrophobia- Is the fear about symmetry
- Syngenesophobia- Is the fear about relatives
- Syphilophobia- Is the fear about syphilis
- Tachophobia- Is the fear about speed
- Taeniophobia or Teniophobia- Is the fear about tapeworms
- Taphephobia Taphophobia- Is the fear about being buried alive or of cemeteries
- Tapinophobia- Is the fear about being contagious
- Tapinophobia- Is the fear about being contagious
- Technophobia- Is the fear about technology
- Teleophobia- 1) Is the fear about definite plans. 2) Religious ceremony
- Telephonophobia- Is the fear about telephones
- Teratophobia- Is the fear about bearing a deformed child or Is the fear about monsters or deformed people
- Testophobia- Is the fear about taking tests
- Tetanophobia- Is the fear about lockjaw, tetanus
- Teutophobia- Is the fear about German or German things
- Textophobia- Is the fear about certain fabrics
- Thaasophobia- Is the fear about sitting
- Thalassophobia- Is the fear about the sea
- Thalassophobia- Is the fear about the sea
- Theatrophobia- Is the fear about theatres
- Theologicophobia- Is the fear about theology
- Theophobia- Is the fear about gods or religion
- Thermophobia- Is the fear about heat
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