Health and Nutritional Benefits of Passion Fruit

Dr. Purushothaman
November 3, 2019

Eating the right fruit always provides you better health and wellness. Passion fruit is one among those fruits that provide you with lots of health benefits. It is known as Granadilla and is widely seen in subtropical regions of South America and parts of Asia. The fruit comes under the family of Passiflorancea. It needs a lot of moisture and a good fertile soil. The plant takes time to get flourished in the soil, and soon it will grow at a fast pace and lasts for a lifespan of 5 to 7 years.

There are around five hundred types of passion fruit varieties. But the most popularly grown ones are the purple and the yellow varieties. Passion fruit is oval or round in shape and has a diameter of 4 to 8 cms. The outer cover is very tough and the fruit weighs around 40 to 50 grams. After opening the shell, we get to see a set of membranous sacs with dark yellow. There are seeds which are covered with slimy juice, which is extremely aromatic and yummy to taste. The juice is pulpy and is very good for our health.

Benefits of Passion Fruit

  • Passion fruit is a fully rich with antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and fiber. A medium fruit has around 97 calories in it.
  • For the maintenance of healthy skin and mucosa, it is very essential to consume foods having Vitamin A. Eating a lot of natural fruits that are rich in vitamin A as well as flavanoids will help in preventing oral cavity cancer as well as lung cancer. Passion fruit is rich in Vitamin A and flavanoids.
  • Vitamin C is a good antioxidant that is soluble in water. While consuming the fruits rich with Vitamin C, the body gains a lot of resistance against illnesses such as a flue. It fights against infections and also pro inflammatory free radicals.
  • Passion fruit is rich in dietary fiber. With the help of fiber in the diet, cholesterol in the body is removed in an effective manner. It is a bulk laxative. It helps to protect the colon mucosa as it lessens with time it is exposed to the toxic substances present in the colon. It also cleans the colon of toxic substances that can cause cancer.
  • The fruit has a large content of Vitamin A as well as flavanoid antioxidants like Cryptoxanthin-B and B-carotene. The presence of these compounds along with vitamin A is extremely good for eyesight.
  • Eating fresh passion fruit provides a lot of potassium to the body. The body’s cells and fluids contain potassium and it helps to regulate the blood pressure and heart rate.
  • Passion fruit is a good source of iron, magnesium, minerals, copper and phosphorus.

Storage and Selection

Passion fruits are available during its season from January to April. The fruits with wrinkles on the surface are very tasty and has rich aroma. Cuts and spots on the skin do not affect the inner part. It can be kept out for one or two days. But if you want to keep it for a week or more, you need to refrigerate them. Scoop the pulpy part into a bowl and add sugar to enjoy it.

Serving Method

The fruit has to be washed and dried. Cut it into two halves according to the length. Scoop out the pulpy part with the help of a spoon and throw off the shell. The tart flavor and sweet taste are loved by all. It can be enjoyed fresh as soon as it is ripe. You have to scoop out the pulp for using it. It can also be made into a refreshing drink. Fruit salads get a unique taste and flavor while adding this fruit. Passion fruits are used for preparing syrups, sauce and jellies. It can be added to mousse, ice-cream, desserts and cakes. Eating passion fruit is yet another step for eating healthy!!

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