Archive by category Life Transformation Tips

Let us understand that if we really want we can change our Life – Easily & Effectively. Most of the time we are stumbling for a Proper Path. Here we are providing the most effective Life Transformation Tips, collected and compiled from various sources

Mind Tools

Dr. Purushothaman
August 6, 2014

To keep the title of this writing brief, I left out one very important word: "Positive". Everyone has attitudes; we all have thoughts; we all have beliefs. But …


Dr. Purushothaman
August 6, 2014

Neurons refer to nerve cells found in the human brain. Neurobiologists highly recommend neurobics as the most appropriate exercise to boost your brain power. …


Dr. Purushothaman
August 6, 2014

Biofeedback is an effective treatment for the relief of pain and other symptoms. It teaches you how to recognize and control some of your body's functions. It …


Dr. Purushothaman
August 4, 2014

What if humans had spent many centuries contemplating on the trends of motivation which sit outside the awareness of individuals and support the choices they …