The Best ‘Rescue Relationship’ Techniques


Dr. Purushothaman
January 22, 2014


When your relationship is faltering there is no mystical magic trick to instantly get it back on track. Only practical and intelligent methods can help you rescue your relationship. Successful relationships are based on love, passion, respect and trust; without these your relationship is incomplete and in danger of failing. You need to try and get it back on track and give it a solid grounding to survive for the long term. Read these relationship 'techniques' to help a redress the balance in your relationship.
Don't let yourself be fooled by those feelings that you had when you first met and fell in love. At the time, these feelings were exciting, invigorating and made you feel full of energy and an ecstatic nervousness every time you were together. For you these feeling were real but they are, usually, only experienced at the start of a relationship. Don't be disappointed when these types of feeling start to lessen, they should only be making way for deeper, more mature and permanent feelings of love to last for the rest of your lives. These, real and lasting, emotions of complete love will be what you rely upon when you need to rescue your relationship, from the abyss, and get it back to where it belongs.
Think about what makes a happy, and fulfilling, relationship. What qualities do you need to be successful long term married couple? Even if you don't possess these qualities right now, you should be striving towards them every day. Honesty, understanding, empathy, loyalty, passion, compassion, forgiveness and trust are all qualities that you need to possess to achieve your goal. You are both only human, you will make mistakes but the trick is to learn from them and move on. Gather wisdom from your mistakes and use those lessons to better yourself.
You need to talk to each other. How can you become closer to each other if you don't communicate your feelings? Be mature and open about how you feel. This is not an opportunity to snipe at each other; it's an 'open forum' free of accusations and insults. Open up to each other with the, genuine, desire to achieve your goal and save your relationship. Use this time to approach difficult subjects or problems you feel that you might have in your relationship before it's too late. If you continue to leave a problem, or issue, without talking it through, you will only serve to make matters worse. The problem will be left to fester and may create resentment or anger between you both. Always talk about your concerns with your partner, you may find that you were worrying about nothing at all.
We all have our differences and those differences are never more evident than when we are in a close relationship. We all have tendencies and habits which may, possibly, be hard for other people, including our partner's, to accept. We should try and embrace the differences in our partner and hope that they will make the same allowances for us. We need to learn about each other's weaknesses and accept them. Through this practice, we will achieve personal growth both as individuals and as a couple. Showing compassion, for your partner; will help to bring you closer together and more in sync with each other.
Another alternative, if the situation requires it, is to take some time alone to clear your head. Sometimes a particular issue is being discussed, over and over, and no headway is being made. Take a step back from things. Leave the subject on the back burner until you have had time to think it through. There is no point in banging your head against a brick wall on a subject that has you at loggerheads. Just give yourself some time to cool off and return to the issue with a clear and rational mind.
Life is a gift, cherish it, every day. You have to appreciate every moment that you spend together and accept these times with the appreciation that they deserve. Through the bad times you need to give your support and understanding to one another. Be there to listen and offer a shoulder of support. When the good times come, embrace them and share the joy that your togetherness can give you.
You need to have fun together. Life can, too often, make you forget the reasons why you became a couple in the first place. Working at your relationship doesn't have to be difficult and arduous; it can be fun, exciting and fulfilling. Think about the early days of your relationship and re-ignite those passions that you shared.
Though every relationship is different and each couple's circumstance have their own set of problems; these guidelines will help you take a look at yourselves as a couple and assess what you have to do to rescue your relationship. Good luck.
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