How To Write Attention Grabbing Ad Copy For Your Ppc Campaign

Man with megaphone and white board

Dr. Purushothaman
October 1, 2013

How To Get Started Writing Your Own Ad Copy for PPC Advertising

Effective PPC campaigns need to be carefully planned, and then you need to test your ads so you can get the best results possible. We will divulge some of our ad copy secrets in this article, so pay attention and then take action.

The first thing your ad needs to do is get attention because people tend to scan all the ads. What normally happens is people will skim and scan all the ads very quickly. When you write your ads, put your keywords in the headline, title, and ad body. Whichever phrases you are using, must be placed in your ads and the target URL page title. The more savvy PPC advertisers specify to use the keyword insertion tool so their phrases are automatically placed in the titles. You may already have an understanding of using dynamic keyword insertion. People will always spell words the wrong way, and that will come into play with this. But you should be concerned about those times when the words are spelled the wrong way. Always avoid making grammar mistakes as well as other types of errors.

Follow the AIDA Formula: The well-known formula of attention, interest, desire, and action is just as applicable for PPC ad copy, as well. Even with little space to work with, the AIDA formula can still be applied. Work on grabbing the attention of your target audience, generating interest and desire with your copy, and wrap it up with a call to action. While it may take some time to perfect if you're new to copywriting, it's not difficult to get right if you focus. This formula is proven to give results, so using it will definitely help you craft a good ad copy. If you want to learn how to write great PPC ads, then study the ads of other people and watch what they do. You can surf around and find more copy tutorials on the net, and that is a good idea for you to do. You may find that doing this is not hard at all, and it is interesting to write them and see how they perform. Take action immediately and begin learning the ropes so you can write winning ad copy.


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